sábado, 24 de janeiro de 2009

BBC pipoca e não exibe anúncio humanitário sobre Gaza

Flickr: Galeria de disastersemergencycommittee

A decisão de não exibir 'para assegurar sua credibilidade' acabou gerando exatamente o oposto nos telespectadores inglêses. Uma vez que outras três emissoras aceitaram transmitir um filme do Comitê de Emergência para Desastres que mostra o "imenso sofrimento humano" em Gaza, conforme comunicado do ministro de Cooperação Internacional britânico, Douglas Alexander, a imparcialidade da tradicional rede britânica ficou em cheque. A BBC que é pública, enfim, pipocou. ________________________________
Bara'a, three, outside at Al Shatee school in Gaza city. Bara'a follows her mother everywhere since she moved to the school after being displaced from her home by the conflict. Her mother says, 'she can’t talk much anymore, I think she is afraid, as I look into her eyes I am always noticing tears, she isn’t even crying loudly, that’s shocking to me and so scary. The last day before we left was a constant horror, I think it affected her greatly'. She added: ' We’ve spent almost 14 days with no water or decent food for us or our children, still I don’t regret leaving the house, I really didn’t want to but I couldn’t gamble my children’s lives'.Eman Mohammed/Save the Children

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